google calendar refresh token

Every request your application sends to the Google Calendar API must include an authorization token. The token also identifies your application to Google. About authorization protocols Your application must use OAuth 2.0 to authorize requests. No other ..

相關軟體 Google Calendar 下載

If you use Google''s Chrome browser and you use Google''s Calendar then, quite simply, you need to install the free Google Calendar extension for Chrome. With the Google Calendar extension installed, ...

了解更多 »

  • (C++) Google Calendar -- Refresh an Expired Access Token Demonstrates how to refresh an ex...
    (C++) Google Calendar -- Refresh an Expired Access Token ...
  • Every request your application sends to the Google Calendar API must include an authorizat...
    Authorizing Requests to the Google Calendar API | Google Cal ...
  • I can't get my refresh token with my code. I can only get my access token, token type ...
    Get refresh token google api - Stack Overflow ...
  • Hello! Can the cause of the problem be that I attempt to access two different Google servi...
    Google Calendar API and OAuth problem - Google Groups ...
  • I have a php app on my site that allows my users to schedule/reschedule calendar events us...
    Google Calendar API using refresh token (PHP) - ...
  • I am trying to write a Django app which creates events in a specific Google calendar. So f...
    Google Calendar API v3 - How to obtain a refresh token (Pyth ...
  • Help needed. I am trying to connect to Google Calendar API using refresh token. What I am ...
    How to get Google Calender API access token using refresh to ...
  • You should consider doing this with a service account. A service account will allow your a...
    Php - Google Calendar API using refresh token ...
  • The tabs below define the supported authorization parameters for web server applications. ...
    Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications | Google Identit ...
  • 最後,Oauth2套件所返回的tokens物件,即包含access_token, refresh_token, expire_time等的資訊,讓後續的API可以依據這些資訊來做呼...
    【JSDC客座文章】第一次接觸Google API就上手 | iThome